A Study on Drug Wastage and Cost Analysis of Anaesthetics in A Secondary Care Hospital
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) - Year 2018, Vol 13, Issue 1
Introduction: Anesthesia is state of temporary induced loss of sensation which is used during surgeries. Aim: To estimate the drug wastage and cost of different anesthetics. Method: A Prospective observational study was done in a secondary care hospital of OBG and general surgeon department. The data was categorized based on different parameters like gender, age, prescribing drugs during hospital stay, route of administration, drug left and cost of drug left of anesthesia during hospital stay, types of operations and project appraisal. Result: Among all the 150 cases, the most commonly used anesthetic drug was bupivacaine in the age group of 20-30 years which was observed mostly in females. The drug wastage and cost analysis was observed in the following pattern of bupivacaine (50%) (Rs.876.85), propofol (1.25%) (Rs.35), vecuuronium (1.7%) (Rs.207), myoglucopyrolate (25%) (Rs.140) and ketamine (9.09%) (Rs.174). Conclusion: From our study we conclude that bupivacaine 2ml a ampules can be used instead of 4ml ampoules to reduce drug wastage and cost of the drug as 4ml ampoules are available in the market. Similarly ketamine can also be reduced to 2ml dosage instead of using 5ml.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Ch. Deepthi Reddy, S. Reshma, S. Sravani Sloka, P. N. V. S. S. Vinay Sri Harsha, K. Naga Sravya
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