Accuracy and time of reaction after intermittent exercise of maximal intensity

Journal Title: Medycyna Sportowa - Year 2012, Vol 28, Issue 4


The aim of this study was to demonstrate if the intermittent exercise of maximal intensity affects the accuracy and reaction time, and how long after exercise persist any changes in response to visual and acoustic stimuli.Sixty male students aged 20-24 from Military Academy in Wroclaw participated in the study. Subjects performed the Wingate test lasting thirty seconds which was repeated three times on a cycle ergometer. Reaction time was measured on four occasions: before an exercise, directly after an exercise, five minutes after an exercise and ten minutes after an exercise. Such parameters as Śr (average reaction time), Ro (range), Sd (standard deviation), ZI (number of incorrect reactions) were taken into account.Zl before exercise was 11, after exercise: directly – 30, 5. min after – 13, 10. min after – 15. Śr at rest 285.7 ms, and after exercise respectively: 295.9 ms; 271.5 ms (p=0.02); 266.8 ms (p=0.002). Ro before exercise 168.3 ms; after exercise: 246.1 ms (p=0.00008); 223.8 ms (p=0.004); 212.5 ms (p=0.02). Sd before exercise 56.2 ms; after exercise: 83 ms (p=0.00004); 73.6 ms (p=0.007); 70.3 ms (p=0.03).Immediately after the intermittent exercise of maximal intensity significantly increased the number of incorrect reactions. Average reaction time remained at similar level, and in the latter part of the recovery fell below resting value. Applied effort significantly contributed to the deterioration of response repeatability, and this situation has persisted for at least 10 minutes after the end of exercise.

Authors and Affiliations

Rafał Szafraniec, Andrzej Samołyk, Włodzimierz Wiązek, Edyta Szczuka


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Rafał Szafraniec, Andrzej Samołyk, Włodzimierz Wiązek, Edyta Szczuka (2012). Accuracy and time of reaction after intermittent exercise of maximal intensity. Medycyna Sportowa, 28(4), -.