Active Social Programs Development in Bulgaria: Contemporary Challenges and Social Management Instruments


The study presented comes as a result and in response to the identified priorities of the social policy in Bulgaria and logically outlines the actions for an effective management of the social processes tailored to the dynamic social environment. The essential characteristics of the social policy, its relations with the social management and the opportunities for it to become a way of realization of important public tasks gives the chance to fit in it more delicate and important problems and the associated solutions. For this reason, the achievement of an active labor market is perceived as an objective of the social management, reachable in the conduct of relevant social policies, reflecting the registered interests of interested parties and society’s need for an appropriate and irreversible change. The actually active social programs, interpreted as a system of social projects with direct feedback of social interaction, define the possibilities for adaptation of their components to the coming changes.

Authors and Affiliations

Venelin Terziev, Marin Georgiev


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How To Cite

Venelin Terziev, Marin Georgiev (2017). Active Social Programs Development in Bulgaria: Contemporary Challenges and Social Management Instruments. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 6(1), 94-101.