Адміністративно-правове забезпечення судово-правової реформи в Україні

Journal Title: Право і безпека - Year 2016, Vol 62, Issue 3


Проаналізовано наукові погляди щодо реалізації заходів, пов’язаних із проведенням судово-правової реформи в Україні. Охарактеризовано національну судову систему за оновленими положеннями Конституції України та закону України «Про судоустрій і статус суддів». Роз-глянуто проблеми подальшого реформування судової системи в сучасних умовах та запропо-новано шляхи їх вирішення. Проанализированы научные взгляды о реализации мер, связанных с проведением судебно-правовой реформы в Украине. Охарактеризована национальная судебная система по обнов-лённым положениям Конституции Украины и закона Украины «О судоустройстве и статусе судей». Рассмотрены проблемы дальнейшего реформирования судебной системы в современ-ных условиях и предложены пути их решения. Scientific points of view on the implementation of activities related to the conduction of judicial re-form in Ukraine have been analyzed. The author has characterized national judicial system in accor-dance with the renewal provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine “On the Judicial System and Status of Judges”, in particular, it has been noted that the new law provides: changes in the procedure of appointing judges and their dismissal; elimination of the political com-ponent in deciding whether to sanction the arrest of a judge or his detention or the arrest until the court conviction; implementation of the functional (limited) immunity of a judge; changes in the ju-dicial system, including the formation of the new Supreme Court and other courts in order to opti-mize the judicial system that creates conditions for off-loading the courts and effective proceedings within reasonable terms; improving the legal status of the relevant authorities within the judicial sys-tem; improvement of the procedure of forming and renewal of the judiciary; improvement of funding for judges and the entire judicial system; incitement to ensure fair behavior of judges and involve-ment of public to such procedures; monitoring of judges’ lifestyle. The problems of further reform of the judicial system in modern conditions have been considered and their solutions have been sug-gested. It has been concluded that adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On the Judicial System and Status of Judges”, in our opinion, was one of the decisive steps of the judicial reform that enables the trans-formation of the judicial system and renewal of the judiciary in accordance with public expectations and European standards, creates an effective model of functioning of judicial power, which aims to meet the public demand for a fair trial.

Authors and Affiliations

V. V. Sokurenko


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How To Cite

V. V. Sokurenko (2016). Адміністративно-правове забезпечення судово-правової реформи в Україні. Право і безпека, 62(3), 6-11. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-262584