Adoption of Sustainable Cattle production Technologies in the Lacandon Rainforest, Chiapas, Mexico


With the aim of knowing the level of technology adoption that has a group of cattle producers (peasants) participants of the Sustainable Rural Development program in Biological Corridors (SRDBC) in the Lacandon rainforest, Chiapas, we calculated the rate of adoption technology (RAT) and correlation tests were conducted to identify the socio-economic variables that influence with the RAT. The values obtained indicate that the level of technology adoption of the study group was intermediate (RAT = 54.83 ± 9.23); the technological components focused on animal nutrition, management of the pastureland, restoration and revegetation in pastures and livestock infrastructure obtained the highest values. The adoption of sustainable livestock technologies was related (P>0.05) with years of participation in the program SRDBC, the amount of bovine heads and the income from the sale of animals. The lack of credit and financing, of market structures and of knowledge regarding the management of livestock techniques were the main limiting for technology adoption. The results of this study contribute to the planning and refocusing of technology transfer programs with the aim of achieving sustainability in the production of cattle in the Lacandona Rainforest (Chiapas, Mexico).

Authors and Affiliations

Flores-González Adriana, et al.


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How To Cite

Flores-González Adriana, et al. (2018). Adoption of Sustainable Cattle production Technologies in the Lacandon Rainforest, Chiapas, Mexico. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research, 7(2), 159-168.