Afekty i ścieżki nerwowe. Zygmunta Freuda pierwsza teoria funkcjonowania umysłu (1892-1895)


Sigmund Freud, during his scientific collaboration with Josef Breuer (1892-1895), elaborated his first theory of the functioning of human’s mind. His theory of psyche was firmly based on the neurological foundation. Nervous excitation (or should we say: „the sum of excitation“), traveling through the basic somatic elements of the nervous system - paths of excitation - after reaching a certain level (psychophysical ,,threshold“), according to Freud, manifests itself in the subjects mind as a conscious mental phenomena - a feeling or an affect. The same sum of excitation can encounter at its way certain areas of the brain (memory traces), that it activates and arouses past memories, or contribe to the creation of new mental phenomena - ideas, phantasies, dreams, or hallucinations. The other main theses of the Freud’s theory are: 1) the assumption of a sharp distinction between perceptual and memory processes, 2) the acceptance of ideas as the basic elements of the human psyche, 3) the assumption of the possibility of permanent or temporary connection of memory tra¬ces with certain sums of excitation (or ideas with affects when counting psychically), 4) the assump¬tion of the linkage between ideas into larger formations called „ideas complexes“, and 5) the introduction to his theory the concepts of the „ego“ and the „mechanisms of defence“.

Authors and Affiliations

Damian Liszka


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How To Cite

Damian Liszka (2009). Afekty i ścieżki nerwowe. Zygmunta Freuda pierwsza teoria funkcjonowania umysłu (1892-1895). Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio I Philosophia-Sociologia, 34(), 47-65.