Agglomeration railway systems in Poland
Journal Title: Technika Transportu Szynowego - Year 2017, Vol 282, Issue 9
The second half of the twentieth century brought very potent urbani zation processes, linked to an increasing population growth together with an industry growth with declining demand for workers in rural areas. Cities population in the world accounts currently around 54% of the global population (compared with 33% in 1960), in Europe it is 73% and in Poland it is above 60%. Trends are clearly rising (UN data for 2014 [3]). Urbanization is followed by a rapid urban sprawl resulting from fashion – moving to suburbs is a sign of wealth and good social position, together with lack of sufficient investments in affordable housing estates and better life quality in suburbs – larger homes and green areas, lower maintenance costs.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Raczyńska-Buława
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