SUMMARY In the age of antibiotics sinusitis complications occur not so often, but they are stili dangerous end even despite proper therapy may lead to patient's death. The paper presents rare case of male in the age twen...
The aim of the study was otoscopical and histological evaluation of the rat's TM healing process. Material and methods : 56 male Wistar rats were used for the study. Fifty of them had TMs perforated bilaterally using CO2...
Introduction: Thyroglossal duct cyst is one of the most common congenital malformation in the neck area, but malignant neoplasms of the thyroglossal duct cyst are rare, about 1–1,5% cases of TDC. The papillary thyroid ca...
The nasal septal deviation coexistent with turbinate hypertrophy is considered one of the most common causes of nasal patency disorders. There is no doubt that septoplasty in most such cases is a proper treatment method....
EP ID EP52246
Views 99
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How To Cite
J. Thomas, A. Minovi, S. Dazert (2011). Aktualne aspekty etiologii, diagnostyki i leczenia otosklerozy. Otolaryngologia Polska, 65(3),
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Extensive subperiosteal abscess in frontal area as a complication of sinusitis
SUMMARY In the age of antibiotics sinusitis complications occur not so often, but they are stili dangerous end even despite proper therapy may lead to patient's death. The paper presents rare case of male in the age twen...
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