Alterglobalizm jako współczesna alternatywa dla globalizacji
Journal Title: Gdańskie Studia Międzynarodowe - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 1
In contemporary reality globalization is an commonly perceived process. The actions taken by states, organizations or individuals are an effect of realization of a vision of a globalized world. However, the effects which are the results of those actions, to not bring any of the awaited results. Contrary to antiglobalism, the alterglobalist movement does not strive towards the rejection of the results of globalization, but to change the direction it follows. The criticism, which is a fundament of alterglobalism, is meant to foster the constructive changes in rich states policy. The hypotesis of the following article is the stance that contemporary shape of globalizations causes too many nagative effects in both economic and social sphere, while alterglobalist movement, its assumptions, actions and vision, are a constructive alternative, from which both rich and underdeveloped states may benefit.
Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Stankiewicz
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