Polityka wizerunkowa Norwegii – znaczenie dyplomacji pokojowej dla sukcesu Norwegii

Journal Title: Gdańskie Studia Międzynarodowe - Year 2018, Vol 16, Issue 1


Norway is a small state with little population and pheripheral location. It has surprisingly strong nation brand and it is widely recognised at the same time, which seems to be unusual taking into consideration geographic and demographic determinants together with rather poor soft power resources. The aim of this article is to examin and analyse Norwegian image policy and its evolution. The main Focus is put on the aspects of peace diplomacy as a constant and meaningful element of Norway’s brand and image policy. The tested hypothesis assumes that the pressence of peace usage on various different levels of image policy in Norway is contributing the reputational and image success of this state.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Kobierecka


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  • EP ID EP416482
  • DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0012.7623
  • Views 78
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How To Cite

Anna Kobierecka (2018). Polityka wizerunkowa Norwegii – znaczenie dyplomacji pokojowej dla sukcesu Norwegii. Gdańskie Studia Międzynarodowe, 16(1), 22-40. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-416482