Amebiasis in families with high socioeconomic level: Two cases
Journal Title: Ege Tıp Dergisi - Year 2017, Vol 56, Issue 4
Amebiasis is a parasitic infection caused Entamoeba histolytica. The parasitic infection is endemic in tropical and subtropical regions of the world accounting 10% of people. Although amoebic dysentery is common in childhood, symptomatic infection in early infancy is quite rare and the mortality in infancy is high. Low socioeconomic status and poor sanitation conditions are known to increase the risk of amoebic dysentery. In endemic areas, breast-feeding and different socioeconomic status do not protect infants from Entamoeba histolytica infection. In this article, two infants 4.5 and 1.5-month-old girls who grew up in families of high socioeconomic level and who were fed with only breast milk came to our policlinic with bloody stool and mucous diarrhea were hospitalized with the suspicion of intestinal amebiasis. Fecal examinations were revealed amebic trophozoids and cysts. The adhesine antigens investigated by ELISA method were positive. Oral metronidazole treatment was started with a dose of 50 mg/kg/day. In this paper, two cases of symptomatic intestinal amebiasis, which is rarely seen among infants, has been presented in order to draw attention to infantile amebiasis.
Authors and Affiliations
Aslı Aslan, Zafer Kurugöl, Güldane Koturoğlu, Şule Gökçe
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