Amerykańska Specjalna Misja Dyplomatyczna w Rosji
Journal Title: Gdańskie Studia Międzynarodowe - Year 2012, Vol 10, Issue 1
Ac cess of the United States to the war in 1917, put ting them in one camp with „new (demo cratic) Rus sia„, fa cili tated them to push on fi nan cial aid and to dis patch two American mis sions to Rus sia – „rail way” of John F. Ste vens and dip lo matic (po liti cal) of Elihu Root. Presi dent Wil son hoped to in crease Ameri can in flu ence, which would con trib ute to strengthen re la tion ships be tween both coun tries, and would strengthen the Rus sian will to fight the war with Ger many till the vic to ri ous end, with out en ter ing into sepa rate peace ne go tia tions with Ger many. There is no doubt, how ever, that the mis sion did not have any ef fect on the course of events in Rus sia – just as the par al lel Allied mis sions – and even the rapid em bodi ment of the rec om men da tions of the Mis sion in force, would not have any sig nifi cant im pact on Rus sia, be cause Root’s plans did not take into ac count nei ther huge de gree of de mor aliza tion of the Rus sian army nor its true causes. Like wise, the propa ganda ef fort among the Rus sian popu la tion would be com pletely in ef fec tive, be cause the Ameri cans did not know and did not un der stand the po liti cal moods of the Rus sians, they lacked trained staff and, fur ther more, they op er ated the po liti cal vo cabu lary of Ameri can ide al ism, and not concepts eas ily com pre hen si ble for Rus sians.
Authors and Affiliations
Tadeusz Dmochowski
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