An Investigation on Shibboleth Value of Takbir and Tehlil Exclamation (From History to Nowadays)
Journal Title: Dini Araştırmalar -Altı Aylık Bilimsel Dergi- - Year 2014, Vol 17, Issue 45
This article deals with the concepts of Takbir and Tehlil and their importance in Islam and the social life of the Muslims. Each of Takbir and Tehlil rephrases what is meant by Tawhid, the most essential principle of Islam. Uttering them, Muslims attest their commitment and devotion to Islam. In addition, they recite these utterances for taking courage in time of fear, getting relief in time of sorrow and celebrating happy events. Having covered their religious framework, the article examines the psychological and behavioral effects which Takbir and Tehlil have on the society, in particular when they are performed by congregation in such a simple musical composition
Authors and Affiliations
Fatih Koca
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