Аналіз психологічної готовності до професійно-управлінської діяльності керівників органів охорони державного кордону [Analysis of psychological readiness for professional and administrative activities of heads of State Border Guard Service bodies]
Journal Title: Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 4
The article analyzes the content of psychological readiness for professional and administrative activities of heads of State Border Service bodies. Based on the analysis of the obtained research results the author presents and discusses: a) the characteristics of the administrative activities of heads of State Border Guard Service bodies; b) the content of State Border Guard Service body heads' psychological readiness for professional and administrative activities; c) a special psychological readiness training program and tools. The author analyzes the levels (high, medium, low) and methods of assessment of State Border Guard Service commanding officers' psychological readiness. Based on the analysis of the results of the empirical investigation the author presents a comprehensive program of development of State Border Guard Service body heads' psychological readiness for professional and administrative activities. In terms of its content the comprehensive program of development of State Border Guard Service body heads' psychological readiness for professional and administrative activities aims to develop the commanding officers' strong administrative attitudes, special administrative creativity, profession-critical personality traits, methodological skills based on psychological principles as well as to create a constructive atmosphere in the training groups. The investigation results have shown that the psychological readiness for professional and administrative activities develops gradually, from low through medium to high levels.
Authors and Affiliations
Vadym Zhuravliov
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