Дослідження моральнісного компонента монетарної соціалізації студентської молоді (A study on the cognitive component of students' monetary socialization)
Journal Title: Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія - Year 2017, Vol 11, Issue 4
The article discusses the problem of monetary socialization in Western and Ukrainian psychology, which has special theoretical and practical importance because of the reorientation of the Ukrainian economy to market values. Monetary socialization is viewed as the formation of individuals' value attitudes to money and development of their monetary behaviors as well as a holistic reflection of monetary relations in human consciousness. Professionalization has a major impact on the process of teenagers' monetary socialization. Professionalization also influences economic and psychological adaptation, which is the final stage of monetary socialization, and allows achieving the goals and aspirations in the monetary sphere through the use of professional knowledge. Vocational education gives varied access to economic knowledge providing different levels of practical financial training. The moral component of monetary socialization comprises individuals' attitudes to money and their emotional experiences related to it. The author used E.I. Gorbacheva and A.B. Kupreychenko Moral Assessment of Money to study the following types of students' moral assessment of money: morally positive, morally indefinite, morally contradictory, morally conflicting, morally negative, morally-indifferent and morally nihilistic. The most widespread type of moral assessment of money was shown to be the morally conflicting assessment, which drew on intrapersonal conflicts. On the one hand, young people consider money as a positive phenomenon and seek to own it, and on the other hand, they treat it as an evil and deny its social functions. This may provoke acute negative emotions and anxiety about money.
Authors and Affiliations
Оlena Nikonenko
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