Analysis of Abandoned (Derelict) Buildings in Kaunas District

Journal Title: Ekonomika ir Vadyba: Aktualijos ir Perspektyvos - Year 2013, Vol 31, Issue 3


There are about nine thousand abandoned buildings at present. About 1.2 thousand of these buildings are recognized as orphan buildings. About 90 per cent of abandoned buildings are attributable to the non-residential buildings group. Residential buildings account for about 4 percent of all abandoned buildings. It is believed that due to population aging, moving to bigger cities the buildings or structures in the near future should gradually increase, especially in rural areas and small towns. Aim: to perform an analysis of abandoned buildings in Kaunas district. Research object - abandoned and derelict buildings used for agricultural purposes in Kaunas district. Research methodology - literature analysis method, statistical analysis and synthesis approach were used in the work.

Authors and Affiliations

Virginija Atkocevičienė , Vilma Sudonienė


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How To Cite

Virginija Atkocevičienė, Vilma Sudonienė (2013). Analysis of Abandoned (Derelict) Buildings in Kaunas District. Ekonomika ir Vadyba: Aktualijos ir Perspektyvos, 31(3), 33-44.