Analysis of factors influencing the choice of specialty in endocrinology

Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2014, Vol 27, Issue 12


Introduction. Information about the factors affecting the choice of medical speciality in endocrinology can contribute to better planning of human resources and lead to the improvement of speciality training process and process of recruitment.Aim. The aim of study was to gain a knowledge about factors affecting choice to specialize in endocrlnology.Material and methods. The material consisted of data from 205 surveys that were conducted on courses for physicians specializing in endocrinology conducted by the Clinic of Endocrinology The Medical Center for Postgraduate Education (CMKP) in 2009 and 2012. Analysis of the material was quantitative, and was performed using the SPSS software.Results. For doctors undertaking a specialization in endocrinology, the most important factors in choosing this specialization was: to satisfy their own ambitions, interdisciplinary nature of endocrinology, a large variety of cases, and the desire to increase the professional prestige. The importance of individual factors vary according to, inter alia primary specialization and gender.Conclusions. In opinion of future endocrinologist the most important factors affecting choice of speciality are related to their own ambition and the character of this specialization, including its interdisciplinarity and diversity of cases. Issues of prestige and personal predisposition are particularly important for woman doctors. The role of financial conditions are significantly less important. The results may indicate a positive selection of doctors to the specialty in endocrinology.

Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Zgliczyński


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Wojciech Zgliczyński (2014). Analysis of factors influencing the choice of specialty in endocrinology. Postępy Nauk Medycznych, 27(12), -.