Analysis of final works’ topics and their evaluation changes in Šiauliai college at the Tourism administration faculty during 2005-2008 academic years
Journal Title: Profesinės Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika - Year 2009, Vol 5, Issue 5
In the article the influence of the choice of the topics for final work to its evaluation during 2005-2 008 is analyzed. The division of final works according to topics and academic years is analyzed and the evaluation of the reviewer and the average of final marks is discussed and analyzed. Taking to consideration the needs of tourism business sector the most current topics a re pointed out and show the practical appliance of the topics. During the years 2005-2008 there were prepared and presented 169 final works. Conditionally they were representing 15 topical groups (the analysis of the a ccommodat ion companies, the analysis of the trip organization, the analysis of boarding or ganizations etc.). The topical division into groups is quite conventional, because part of the topics of final works is complex and includes several topical groups (board and accommodation analysis, tourism service and tourism environment and the analysis of the resources etc.). The majority of works during the analyzed time were devoted to the analysis of accommodation (32 works); the majority of them analyze the work of hotels. The topic called “The Analysis and 182 Evaluation of Tourist Environment and Resources" according the popularity does not f all behind from “The Analysis of Accommodation Companies” (28 works). Three times increased the number of works where the recreational ideas are described, where the recreation possibilities in Šiauliai town are analyzed and new recreational sites are introduced. But in geometry progression the works presenting the excursion routes are decreasing-during three years such works made only 5.9 percent from all the works. The number of final works that analyze the tourist potentials of manors are decreasing as well, the activity of trip organizations is analyzed. On the other hand, students are eager to find new to pics-the activity of board organization, the importance of nutrition to the recreation, the analysis of heritage as the tourism object. After the analysis the average mark of final works, there was noticed a tendency, that the average of the lowest marks are represented by the evening study students' final works. During the analyzed period the most stable evaluations were repres ented by the students of extra-mural study programme (8.3 - during 2005-2006 acdemic years and 8,2 during 2007- 2008) . During all the years there was noticed a difference bet ween the reviewer 's evaluation and public work defence evaluation . The average marks of all students of seven tourism administration groups were lower, than the reviewer's evaluation. The range from 0,2 (T3 g roup evaluation during 2005-2006 academic years) to 0,9 (VT4 group evaluation 2006-2007 academic years). There appears a tendency, that the highest evaluations are given to works that present the routes of the excursions, where the managerial and staff problems in accommodation and recreational organizations are discussed, and where the tourist attractions are discussed. Sufficiently low marks were given to final works in which the quality of accommodation service from the client's point of view. The final works that were ordered by the organization are increasing. During the years 2007 -2008 every fifth work was prepared according the signed agreement with the organization that ordered it. Even if the average evaluation of such works is higher, than the rest of final works, the choice itself does not guarantee a high mark to the student that have chosen it. Very often the final works are ordered by boarding, accommodation and recreational organizations as well as tourism information centres. The works that have practical appliance are very of ten organized by students that represent day and extra mural study programmes, the students of the evening groups enrol in to this process quites lowly.
Authors and Affiliations
Jolita Vveinhardt, Reda Jonaitienė
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