Analysis of the Relationship between Business Activity and Economic Inequality

Journal Title: Revista CEA - Year 2021, Vol 7, Issue 14


Authors and Affiliations

This paper analyzes the relationship between the development of certain business activities and the generation of economic inequality, as well as corruption, technology scalability, innovation, undeserved revenue, and the use of undervalued resources. The authors used secondary information sources and an analytical-interpretive methodology to examine the study case described in the document entitled Poder de Mercado y Bienestar Social published by the Comisión Federal de Competencia Económica de México. Said document highlights the creation of monopolies in the country and the effects of their commercial practices. The results show that the companies that have received the greatest benefits from monopolies also present the best performance, which is produced by multiple factors (i. e. , organizational culture, the way organizations react to the conditions of the environment, their resource availability, the decisions they make, their measures to reduce risks, and exploiting business opportunities). This article mainly refers to the surcharge margin paid by Mexican consumers when they buy products offered by the companies listed in the study mentioned above. Finally, inequality is caused by individuals and their organizations, but it is not inherent or predetermined in our societies.


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  • EP ID EP697620
  • DOI 10.22430/24223182.1597
  • Views 93
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How To Cite

This paper analyzes the relationship between the development of certain business activities and the generation of economic inequality, as well as corruption, technology scalability, innovation, undeserved revenue, and the use of undervalued resources. The authors used secondary information sources and an analytical-interpretive methodology to examine the study case described in the document entitled Poder de Mercado y Bienestar Social published by the Comisión Federal de Competencia Económica de México. Said document highlights the creation of monopolies in the country and the effects of their commercial practices. The results show that the companies that have received the greatest benefits from monopolies also present the best performance, which is produced by multiple factors (i. e. , organizational culture, the way organizations react to the conditions of the environment, their resource availability, the decisions they make, their measures to reduce risks, and exploiting business opportunities). This article mainly refers to the surcharge margin paid by Mexican consumers when they buy products offered by the companies listed in the study mentioned above. Finally, inequality is caused by individuals and their organizations, but it is not inherent or predetermined in our societies. (2021). Analysis of the Relationship between Business Activity and Economic Inequality. Revista CEA, 7(14), -.