Analytical and numerical solving of linear non-homogeneous differential equations of the first-order with constant coefficients by using constant variation method and application of Mathematica program

Journal Title: Problemy Nauk Stosowanych - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue


Introduction and aim: The paper presents the analytical and numerical algorithm of solving linear non-homogeneous equations of the first order with constant coefficients. The aim of the work is to show the algorithms for solving equations both analytically and numerically. The additional aim is to show numerical algorithms and graphical interpretation of solutions. Material and methods: For selected equations, from the subject literature, constant variation method has been presented. Results: The paper presents the selected linear non-homogeneous equations of the first order with constant coefficients containing exponential, polynomial and trigonometric functions.Conclusion: Taking into account the constant variation method it is possible to solve the first order linear non-homogeneous differential equations. However, using the Mathematica program for numerical solution, you can quickly get a solution and create a graphical interpretation of solutions.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Antoni Czajkowski, Wojciech Kazimierz Oleszak, Jerzy Dyrdał


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How To Cite

Andrzej Antoni Czajkowski, Wojciech Kazimierz Oleszak, Jerzy Dyrdał (2017). Analytical and numerical solving of linear non-homogeneous differential equations of the first-order with constant coefficients by using constant variation method and application of Mathematica program. Problemy Nauk Stosowanych, 7(), 5-18.