Animacja kulturalna dorosłych z perspektywy uczestników i animatorów

Journal Title: Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów - Year 2015, Vol 16, Issue


This article focuses on the issue of the cultural animation among adults from the perspective of the participants in the animation processes. The study was developed on the basis of group interviews carried out in five workshop groups operating within cultural centres in Lublin (a drama group, painting, film and dancing workshops, and a music band). The animation activities were presented from the perspective of the opportunities and limitations associated with adulthood. An attempt was made to define the characteristics of the animation of culture among adults, which, as the study shows, can be described as a way of supporting the socio-cultural activity, communication, integration and creativity of adults. Animation understood in such terms is primarily based on the following principles: dialogue, autonomy, cooperation, empowerment, respect for otherness and the right to be different. The study also discusses the functions of the cultural animation among adults, serving such purposes as communication and integration, education, participation, recreation and escapism, self-fulfilment, transgression, consolidation and socialisation. Moreover, the role of the animator of culture among adults and their most demanded skills are described.

Authors and Affiliations

Urszula Lewartowicz


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How To Cite

Urszula Lewartowicz (2015). Animacja kulturalna dorosłych z perspektywy uczestników i animatorów. Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów, 16(), 279-290.