Ankyloglossia and its influence on malocclusion formation – a review, case raports

Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2005, Vol 1, Issue 5


Lingual frenum is an anatomical structure that is a decisiveelement influencing a tongue resting position andthe range of its movement. A condition in which lingualfrenum is shortened, called ankyloglossia or tongue-tied, isa frequent seen anomaly in the practice of any orthodontist.The article presents distinctive criteria and the incidenceof the abnormality. The role of tongue in themaintenance of functional balance in stomatognathic systemand the influence of ankyloglossia on its unbalancingare discussed. The examples of shortened frenum’s interactionmechanisms onto physiological functions of thetongue such as sucking, swallowing, chewing, speaking, andothers, hence, also tongue resting position are introduced.The review of papers on the influence of ankyloglossia on:mandibular position, dental alveoli and palate profile, teethalignment, as well as correlation with the existence of somemalocclusions (such crossbites, mesioocclusions, anterioropen bite) was made. The researchers agree that the tongueresting position highly influences spatial relations of thosestructures; the controversies concern effect of its function.The recommendations for treatment procedures presented,are dependent on the deviation’s intensity and patient’sage. The methods of treatment, including speech therapyexercises assisting a spontaneous correction of ankyloglossiaand surgical treatment (frenulotomy and frenulectomy)modifying anatomical conditions of frenum arediscussed. The authors present the case raport of an intensifiedankyloglossia coexisting with mesiooclusion and ahereditary character of the condition, which was qualifiedto frenulectomy; an the case of a shortened frenum alongwith maxillary compression. Ankyloglossia as a cause ofdifferent disturbances in the chewing organ needs a treatmentto prevent negative effects of the condition. The combinationwith surgical treatment, due to poor efficiency ofspeech monotherapy, should be considered while choosingthe treatment method. (Orthod. Forum 2005; 1:133-41)

Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Kaczmarek, Małgorzata Łysiak-Seichter


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Agnieszka Kaczmarek, Małgorzata Łysiak-Seichter (2005). Ankyloglossia and its influence on malocclusion formation – a review, case raports. Forum Ortodontyczne, 1(5), 133-141.