Anticipation, a multimodal phenomenon
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 27, Issue 77
The author argues that contemporary mathematics cannot be as useful in biology as it is in, e.g., physics. Thus, in biology in general, and in motor control in particular, especially promising “knowledge ordering tool” seems to be the system-theoretical approach. Probably most advanced systemic theory of human motor behavior has been developed by N.A. Bernstein, who invented the five-level movements’ construction system (“brain skyscraper”). It is based on evolutionary and neurophysiological data, so its connections to particular classes of human motor operations are rather complex. Hence, the slightly simplified construct termed “modalities’ ladder” has been presented. It bases on Bernstein’s theory, so it has also five levels, but it “distills” mainly physical spatial and temporal relations, along with the codes of information processing, specific to particular levels. The various information processing modes determine both the speed and depth of it, and, consequently, the anticipation scope. In humans the accurate anticipation more than covers possible deficits of sensory organs (as compared with animals). In contemporary civilization it is necessary in daily activities, e.g., in car driving. In practice, the crucial factor is the temporal scale of information processing at particular levels. This enables clear distinction between simple moving, technique, tactics, strategy and politics in motor operations and joining them with the information processing specificity at A, B, C, D and E level, respectively. Furthermore, it leads to formulation of the “inverted V-principle” that mirrors the specific function of C-level motor habits in performing any real motor operation. Sport is a field of human activity where the perfection (though not necessary the sense) of a motor operation is of crucial importance. Thus, the reliable anticipation that enable production of a response before an appropriate stimulus appears is decisive. The analysis of “anticipation ladder” has been exemplified with the boxing knock-out. In contemporary sport, an athlete may benefit from anticipation performed by other specialist, e.g., instructor, coach or scientist. Especially the latter needs highly developed and unconstrained anticipation to invent new, more and more effective solutions of sport motor tasks, i.e., first of all, the technique and tactics.
Authors and Affiliations
Wacław Petryński
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