Antropologia a „darwinizm kosmiczny”. Pytania o zmianę paradygmatu
Journal Title: Zeszyty Etnologii Wrocławskiej - Year 2015, Vol 22, Issue 1
Anthropology and Universal Darwinism. The Question Concerning Change of Paradigm Memetics is a postbiological discipline of science originating from the ideas of Universal Darwinism, which proposes answers to questions raised by anthropology.Memetics presents its own theory of man and culture. It perceives culture as an interactive process, a fi eld of competing memplexes, and man as their selector and carrier, dependent on their infl uence. To include into anthropological research the postulates of memetics can change the dominant paradigm by presenting new tools for researching the main subject of cultural anthropology, the ethnoscapes.
Authors and Affiliations
Dobrosława Wężowicz-Ziółkowska
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