Od „kłopotliwych związków” do „wspólnoty krytyków”? Antropologia i studia genderowe/queerowe we współczesnej Polsce
Journal Title: Zeszyty Etnologii Wrocławskiej - Year 2016, Vol 24, Issue 1
From an “awkward relationship” toward a “community of critics”? Anthropology and gender/queer studies in contemporary Poland In the paper I investigate a complicated relationship between anthropology and gender/queer studies in contemporary Poland through the prism of my own experience in the borderland of both disciplinary praxes. To this end I analyze how their respective trajectories have been shaping specifi c strategies of identity formation and meanings which such concepts as anthropology, politics, and gender/sexuality assumed over the last two decades. While initially transdisciplinary cooperation seemed diffi cult, in the recent years shifts in both disciplines have brought some improvement in this respect. Nevertheless, analytical and/or political problems have marked both periods. Consequently, I suggest a model of interaction which enables a more productive – though critical – communication.
Authors and Affiliations
Monika Baer
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