The given article is devoted to the problem of the perception of Russia and the Russians in
Polish Catholic priests’ literary work, exiled after the January Uprising to the Russian Empire. As
commonly assessed, exile to...
This academic paper explores Polish themes in the novel The Crimean Elegy written by a well-known novelist and memoir writer, the first wave Russian emigrant in the 20th century, Nina Berberova. Polish themes in the pros...
Polscy księża zesłańcy postyczniowi o Rosji
The given article is devoted to the problem of the perception of Russia and the Russians in Polish Catholic priests’ literary work, exiled after the January Uprising to the Russian Empire. As commonly assessed, exile to...
Z dziejów polskiej świadomości na Białorusi : przypadek Mariana Zdziechowskiego
Польское в Крымской элегии Нины Берберовой
This academic paper explores Polish themes in the novel The Crimean Elegy written by a well-known novelist and memoir writer, the first wave Russian emigrant in the 20th century, Nina Berberova. Polish themes in the pros...
Юбилейная Международная научная конференция "XXX Болдинские чтения"
Фразеологические единицы, обладающие функционально-смысловой соотнесенностью : (на материале русского и польского языкoв)