Application of an Index Method for Assessment of Impact of Inflation on Expected Household Income

Journal Title: Університетські наукові записки - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 4


The article presents information on a way to measure impact of inflation on household income in Ukraine for forecast period using index analysis. The article provides data on consumer price indices and household income for Ukraine as a whole in 2006–2016 and predictions for 2017–2019. Among different statistical methods an index method is used to evaluate functional dependences that attempt to identify the relationship between the household income and expenditure, providing the analytical statistical information for public authorities, responsible for social policy. The results of this study showed a trend of increasing application of statistical methods and increasing use of index method in recent studies that helps to solve some economic problems in practice. With respect to the type of statistical methods used in this article and according to the main economic indicators set up by a government we considered, an index model allows to determine the changes in household real income for research period as well as for forecast period. A statistical index is a quantitative description that can be used to express changes over a period of time, comparisons between places (objects) and a plan (a forecast). On the basis of index analysis this article provides assessing changes in nominal household income as a result of real growth in household income as well as the growth in nominal household income comparing with the rate of inflation. Therefore, applying 2 complex index models that could reflect these economic processes are needed. Such method is used to calculate the measurement of a country as a whole and in regional context to improve the precision of estimates. Applying the method given in the article allows providing reasonable social policy concerning population income and policy making operational management of this process according to changes in consumer prices as a result of inflation enabling statistical analysis of economic growth and material welfare.

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How To Cite

Yuliia PRYDANNYKOVA (2017). Application of an Index Method for Assessment of Impact of Inflation on Expected Household Income. Університетські наукові записки, 16(4), 325-333.