Aqua aerobics as a form of improving the state of women after mastectomy
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2014, Vol 24, Issue 65
Women after mastectomy often struggle with complications, which are related to the physical and psychological sphere such as weakness of the body, limitation of muscle strength and range of movements performed on the operated side, the occurrence of lymphedema as a result of removal of lymph nodes. The physical activity has crucial importance in the improvement of women after mastectomy. The aim of the article is to present the opinions of tested Amazons on the selected aspects of participation in aqua aerobics classes.[b]Materials and methods[/b]: The research was carried out among 19 women after radical mastectomy who belong to the Local Post Mastectomy Women’s Club “Amazons” in Biała Podlaska. The mean age of women was 57 with the youngest aged 45 and the oldest aged 68. The tested women underwent additional treatment and participated in 3- month aqua aerobics classes as a part of a rehabilitation program. The method of diagnostic survey with questions of own construction was used in the research. Most of the questions were closed-ended and only two of them were multiple choice questions.[b]Results[/b]: According to the tested women, the most recommended forms of physical activity after mastectomy are exercises to strengthen and improve trunk and pelvic girdle muscles (78%) as well as exercises in water such as aqua aerobics (68,4%). Almost half of the tested women (42,1%) decided to participate in aqua aerobics classes alone and more than half of them (52,6 %) attended aqua aerobics classes regularly. For the majority of tested women (94,7%), participation in classes was associated with satisfying the need of improvement. Aqua aerobics classes had significant impact on quality of life in the field of general wellbeing and contact with people among the group of tested women. The great majority of the tested women (73,7%) declared the need of participation in aqua aerobics classes in the future.[b]Conclusions[/b]: Certain aspects of participation in aqua aerobics classes were assessed as strongly positive by the group of tested women.
Authors and Affiliations
Agata Pocztarska, Zofia Kubińska, Marta Mandziuk
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