Arabic Scholar’s Governance Advocacy and Nigeria’s National Security in Nigeria:Perspective of Al-Shaykh Usman Bin Fodio.


The emergence of Arabic on the shore of West Africa heralded the practise of Islam and advocationfor a just and egalitarian society. Islam, it was argued, has been perverted and subverted by the Hausa leadership. This necessitated the call for reforming Islam. Al-Shaykh Usman Bin Fodio grabbed the opportunity and fought the perverts to restore the glory of Islam and establish shari'ah way of life. This was the practise, especially in the northern part of Nigeria until the incursion of colonialism. The conquest of the colonial master halted the rule of jihadi leaderships and subjected them to colonialism under which only some aspects of Islamic system considered potentially beneficial to the British interest were retained. The current socio-political and economic crises in Nigeria has necessitated the need to look inwardly to the bulk of works , in Arabic, left behind by the Muslim scholars to help to salvage the country from its present political crisis, economic paralysis and legal decadence. This paper, therefore, examines the relevance of Arabic literary works that housed political/legal theories to salvaging the country from its present political crises, economic paralysis and legal decadence.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr Shaykh Ahmad Abdussalam, Dr Mohammad Jamiu Abdullahi



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How To Cite

Dr Shaykh Ahmad Abdussalam, Dr Mohammad Jamiu Abdullahi (2017). Arabic Scholar’s Governance Advocacy and Nigeria’s National Security in Nigeria:Perspective of Al-Shaykh Usman Bin Fodio.. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 6(11), 30-36.