Archaizmy jako składniki związków frazeologicznych w słownikach współczesnej polszczyzny


The problems with the description of phraseological units appear not only in the case of work on phraseological dictionaries but also while compiling and editing comprehensive dictionaries of Polish language. It is a rare phenomenon for scholars to tackle the question of treating the units containing an archaic element in their lexicographical descriptions. It turns out that such word constructions play a marginal role in the lexicographical descriptions mentioned above, yet they also contribute to the lexical inventory of the contemporary users of Polish language. The basic purpose of this article is to pose a question referring to the status of the phraseological units comprising an archaic element to be found in Uniwersalny słownik języka polskiego (USJP), in Współczesny słownik języka polskiego (WSJPDun) and in Wielki słownik języka polskiego (WSJP), the last one being in preparation now. The insight into the phraseological material comprised in these lexicons gives grounds to claim that the registration methods used for the phraseological units, which lie in the sphere of my interest, are rather heterogeneous. In the article I also try to demonstrate how a lexicographical description has influenced the so-called “semantic vicissitudes”, that is how the units with archaic elements were interpreted or comprehended.

Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Piela


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How To Cite

Agnieszka Piela (2014). Archaizmy jako składniki związków frazeologicznych w słownikach współczesnej polszczyzny. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego, 0(), 235-249.