Assessment of Air Quality through Biomonitors of selected sites of Dindigul town by air pollution tolerance index approach
Journal Title: Journal of Research in Biology - Year 2012, Vol 2, Issue 3
Rapid industrialization has led to different facts of pollution. Vegetation can absorb particulate and other gaseous pollutants into their system. But they also have some limitation and tend to show symptoms of damages after prolonged exposure. Based on the absorbing power and tolerance limit, vegetations can be classified as highly tolerant, moderately tolerant and sensitive. This has been incorporated by scientists into a quantitative value of Air pollution Tolerance index (APTI) depending on the score of the plant physiology indicators viz., leaf extract pH, Relative Water Content (RWC), Ascorbic acid and Chlorophyll content. The vegetation monitoring in terms of its APTI act as ‘Bioindicator’ of air pollution and can be incorporated into assessment studies. The present investigation were undertaken to assess the air quality of selected sites of Dindigul Town. A total of six plant species were collected at three different spots. The results were used to calculate the APTI (Air Pollution Tolerance Index) for each plant and their tolerance/sensitivity were assessed. In this study, in industrial area Thyme rosemary showed the highest APTI followed by Moringa tinctoria, Calotropis gigantea, Delonix regia, Azadiracta indica and Cynodon dactylon. In traffic area Delonix regia, showed the highest APTI followed by Azadiracta indica, Moringa tinctoria, Calotropis gigantea, Thyme rosemary and Cynodon dactylon. In Residential area, Cynadon dactylon showed the highest APTI followed by Calotropis gigantea, Delonix regia, Moringa tinctoria, Thyme rosemary and Azadiracta indica, Therefore, these plant species could act as the bio indicators for pollutants and could be utilized as tolerance species towards combating air pollution
Authors and Affiliations
Sarala Thambavani D, Prathipa V
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