Assessment of pollution of environmental objects at the places of solid household waste landfills
Journal Title: Український журнал сучасних проблем токсикології - Year 2018, Vol 82, Issue 2
Recently, the problem of environmental safety through the formation of large volumes of waste has become of particular importance. Activities in the field of production and consumption waste management are one of the most environmentally hazardous and cause significant anthropogenic action due to the risk of adverse effects of hazardous chemical and biological compounds — the constituents of waste products for human health and environment. Any waste, especially in violation of the rules of handling may become environmentally hazardous at certain conditions. Objective. To determine the influence of solid household waste landfills in the Region of Kyiv on adjacent environmental objects (atmospheric air, soil, soil and surface waters). Methods. Sanitary chemical, organoleptic, physical and chemical. Results. The results of experimental studies of the environmental objects at the places of solid household waste landfills suggest the pollution of atmospheric air with formaldehyde, surface and ground waters, soils with hazardous chemical compounds — petroleum products, phenol, heavy metals, ammonium nitrogen, nitrates. Conclusion. Obtained experimental data indicate the discrepancy of the data of solid household waste landfills with regulatory documents regulating the arrangement and functioning of such landfills, and their operation takes place with violation of environmental requirements.
Authors and Affiliations
L. I. Povyakel, L. M. Smerdova, S. V. Snoz, V. Ye. Krivenchuk, A. H. Kudriavtseva, V. I. Pasichnyk
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