Atypical Presentation with Good Outcome in a Bilateral Paramedian Thalamic Infarction

Journal Title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish - Year 2006, Vol 23, Issue 1


Background: Bilateral paramedian thalamic infarction is rare. We describe a patient without the previously reported cardinal features of vertical gaze paresis, decreased vigilance, mood changes, and memory problems that accompany bilateral paramedian thalamic infarction. Case Study: A 41 year-old male with no previous medical problems presented with two short episodes of unconsciousness and transient ptosis. The patient returned to normal within several hours of presentation. The patient had no mood or personality changes after the event and bedside testing showed no evidence of cognitive changes or memory difficulties. A MRI scan of his brain showed an acute bilateral thalamic infarct. Conclusions: This is only the second known described case with complete resolution of symptoms following bilateral paramedian thalamic infarction. This case also demonstrates that physicians should consider a bilateral thalamic infarct in the differential diagnosis when a patient presents with only transient unconsciousness and transient third nerve dysfunction.

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How To Cite

Amir KHOINY, Mark GOLDBERG, Noushin KHOINY (2006). Atypical Presentation with Good Outcome in a Bilateral Paramedian Thalamic Infarction. Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish, 23(1), 54-58.