Autocorrelation and entropy in the analysis of changes in ground reaction force values during maintaing body balance in upright position
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 26, Issue 73
Purpose: Maintaining body balance in an upright position, the whole time a person exerts a force on the ground while exhibiting the specific coordination ability. This process consists in constant loss and regaining of balance. The authors are interested in the possibility of purely mathematical procedures to determine the repeatability of events over time in relation to the activities of human movement (mechanisms of imagination and execution of motion) on the example of the process of balancing the body in an upright position.Basic procedures: To examine the relations between the time that elapses from the start of measurement until obtaining the autocorrelation function value of 0 and the value of entropy, as possible to use the parameters of the evaluation process to maintain body balance in an upright position, depending on the duration of the trial and the components of the ground reaction force.Main findings: The subjects were homogeneous in terms of age (21-23 years) and comprised a group of 102 students (54 women and 48 men). The research program included the measurement of ground reaction forces on the pressure of the left and right foot as a function of time while maintaining body balance in an upright position in an attempt lasting 45 seconds. From these records, the autocorrelation function was calculated and the time for it to reach the value 0 was determined, as well as the value of entropy for the entire sample and its 15-second intervals. The obtained data were statistically analyzed.Results. The highest correlations between the measured parameters occurred in the implementation of horizontal force components, a little higher in the implementation of the force component in the lateral direction, a significantly lower coefficient in the implementation of the vertical force component. On the basis of comparative analysis of the test results, it was found that the process of controlling the size of the force is consistent for both lower limbs.Conclusions. Time to reach the autocorrelation function of 0 and entropy depends on the length of the sample. This time is reduced in each subsequent measurement, and the value of entropy is increased. We have analyzed the full symmetry of the action of the lower left and right limbs in the process of maintaining body balance in an upright position.
Authors and Affiliations
Jacek Stodółka, Leszek Korzewa
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