Awareness of desertification of arable land among university students in Libya

Journal Title: Religación. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades - Year 2019, Vol 4, Issue 14


Desertification is a severe ecological issue, including the dilapidation of land in parched, semi-arid, and dry sub-damp regions. It is caused basically by mankind activities and climatic varieties. The first step in solving any environmental problem is to be aware of the actual problem. Hence, it is essential to ascertain the level of awareness of Libyans towards desert encroachment of arable land in Libya. 500 Tripoli university students were involved in this study. Statistical package for social science was used for statistical analysis of the data. Four variables were hypothesized for this study with 3 belonging to the independent variable. Frequency distributions, regression, and coefficient of variance statistical analysis were used to determine the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable.  From the data analysis, it was discovered that the majority of the respondents who participated in the study are within the age range of 18-23. The number of male students participating in this study was higher than of female students with the percentage frequency distribution of 65.2 % and 35.8 % respectively. It was also discovered that the majority of the participants were urban dwellers followed by rural dwellers. The frequency distribution did show that the majority of the participants were concerned about the environment and desert encroachment of arable lands in Libya. It then boils down to what the level of awareness of desert encroachment of Libyan arable lands among the age, gender, and residential location groups. For the research question 1, 2 and 3, the F-statistics is 2.597, 0.001 and 14.170 with significance value at 0.108, 0.000 and 0.000 respectively which indicates P< 0.5. Hence, the study affirms that there exists a relationship between awareness of desertification of Libyan arable lands and university student’s age, gender, and residential location.

Authors and Affiliations

Mert Bastas, Abu Azoum Abdelrahim


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How To Cite

Mert Bastas, Abu Azoum Abdelrahim (2019). Awareness of desertification of arable land among university students in Libya. Religación. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, 4(14), 136-147.