
У статті досліджується поетика і жанрово-тематичні особливості українських перекладів, переспівів та переробок балади Й.-В. Ґете «Mignon» («Kennst du das Land?..» – «Чи знаєш край?..») від часу появи першого її перекладу Б. Дідицьким у 1855 році до перекладів та наслідувань цього твору у ХХ столітті. The article analyses the poetics and genre-thematic features of Ukrainian translations, free versifications and alterations of Goethe’s ballad «Mignon» («Kennst du das Land…?» – «Do you know the land…?»), since its first translation by B. Didyts'kyi in 1855 until the translations and imitations of this work in the 20th century. Among the numerous translations of Goethe's poetic heritage into Ukrainian, this ballad is particularly noteworthy. It always attracted poets' attention with its main romantic leitmotiv, immeasurable wistfulness over the homeland, which resonates with and is understandable for everyone. The poem «Mignon» has an interesting history in Ukrainian literature. Each poet approached this work differently depending on certain literary and political conditions, personal preferences, and ideological beliefs. However, they all introduced something artistically novel in their translations. The article highlights several types of translations of Goethe's ballad into Ukrainian: 1. Translations proper, the main task of which is to convey the meaning of the ballad in Ukrainian. These are the poems «Pysnia Mynony» («Mignon’s Song») (1855) by B. Didyts'kyi, «Mignon» (1885) by K-o (Kotsovs'kyi’s cryptonym), «Min'iona» («Mignona») (1890) by M. Cherniavs'kyi, «Ytalia» («Italy») (1890) by I. Havryshkevych, «Min'iona» («Mignona») (1897) by P. Kulish, «Min'iona» («Mignona») (1922) by D. Zahula, «Min'ion» («Mignon») (1928) by Yu. Shkrumeliuk, «Min'iona» («Mignona») (1969) by M. Ryl's'kyi, «Min'iona» («Mignona») by M. Bazhan, and «Min'iona» («Mignona») by B. Petryk (Stus’s pseudonym). 2. Free translations and alterations, the main theme of which is the glorification of Ukraine as the motherland. These are apparently independent works with only some of the compositional-stylistic features of Goethe’s ballad (stanza, rhetorical questions, etc.) being used. The former include «Tuha» («Wistfulness») (1858) by N. N. Ustyianovych Jr, «Rus'» («Ruthenia») (1861) by Yu. Fed'kovych, «Verkhovyna» («Highland») (1886) by B. Masliak, and «Chy znaiesh krai?» («Do you know the land?») (1890) by Uliana Kravchenko. 3. Ideologically reinterpreted alterations and parodies that bear only a vague resemblance to the original. The main motif is the concern about the fatherland, immersed in «the eternal darkness of slavery» (P. Karmans'kyi) and with «smashed icons and the profaned, dishonoured altar» (B. Lepkyi). The authors of these works were highly selective in borrowing the forms of the German original. This group includes «Mignon» (1889) by O. Y. M. (Zderkovs'kyi’s cryptonym), «Ukraine» (1891) by P. Kulish, «Chy znaiesh toi krai..?» («Do you know the land..?») (1891) by an unknown author, published in the American magazine «Freedom», «Kennst du das Land…» («Do you know the land…») (1909) by P. Karmans'kyi, «Nash Min'ion» («Our Mignon») (1922) by B. Lepkyi, «Ta sama» («She is») / «Mignon» (1932) by B. Lepkyi, and «Mignon» / «Movchatymu і ne promovliu slova» («I will keep silent and won’t say a word») (1932) by B. Lepkyi. The analysis of Goethe's ballad «Mignon»'s Ukrainian translations suggests that the fatherland theme has always been topical in the Ukrainian literature. The history of the Ukrainian translations of this work represents a minimized version of the history of Ukrainian poetry, reflecting its joys and sorrows over almost 150 years.

Authors and Affiliations

Лілія Олексіївна Гулевич


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Лілія Олексіївна Гулевич (2018). БАЛАДА Й.-В. ҐЕТЕ «MIGNON» В УКРАЇНСЬКОМУ РЕЦЕПТИВНОМУ ПОЛІ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 11(19), 40-47. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-560700