Basit ve Mürekkeb Kavramları Açısından İbn Sina’da Tevhid

Journal Title: Eskiyeni - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 30


Tawhid (The Oneness of Allah) the relegion’s main concept which is based on revelation and prophethood influences all the fields of the religion’s meaning and human’s world of mind. Any thought or idea which isn’t predicated on Tawhid doesn’t have any compensation on the basis of the religion. For this reason, Islam Scholars and Intellectuals put the Tawhid to the center of thought system as the main concept. Ibn Sina, an Islam Philosopher, has founded his philosophy on Tawhid which is predicated on The Absolute Being and Necessary Existent Allah Teala and he struggled for putting away the elements of shirk (Polytheism) which is against the heart of the God by objecting all the thougts casting shadow on Tawhid. In this context, it may be told that the thing that Ibn Sina tries to express by philosophical arguments and concepts and aims by setting off from the Tawhid foundation which is within the First Philosophy that Ibn Sina defines as the first of general concepts, the knowledge about the God and reasons after the God is to prevent Shirk understanding and consider Necassary Existent to be free of such approaches. Ibn Sina as mentioning Tawhid understandings in varios positions of his corpus, he especially drew attention to this question in Risala al Arsiyya and commentary of Ikhlas Sura

Authors and Affiliations

Mehmet Murat KARAKAYA


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How To Cite

Mehmet Murat KARAKAYA (2015). Basit ve Mürekkeb Kavramları Açısından İbn Sina’da Tevhid. Eskiyeni, 3(30), 133-144.