Батальон ангелов Бориса Акунина как историографический роман
Journal Title: Studia Rusycystyczne Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego - Year 2018, Vol 26, Issue
The article deals with the events of summer 1917 and their reflection in historiographical nov- el Akunin’s Angel Battalion. Historical revisionism is characteristic of contemporary postmodern- ist novel as a result of decentralization and revision of values. It draws attention to the facts and problems traditionally viewed as being outside the mainstream history. Such revisionism may be traced in Akunin’s novel. Along with the story of women battalion of death, the author touches upon gender issues from the perspective of both past and present. Two time frames correlate, and a different hero is associated with either individual and historical time.
Authors and Affiliations
Tatiana Tveritinova
Батальон ангелов Бориса Акунина как историографический роман
The article deals with the events of summer 1917 and their reflection in historiographical nov- el Akunin’s Angel Battalion. Historical revisionism is characteristic of contemporary postmodern- ist novel as a result of d...
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