Black pearl (1934), a Polish film directed by Michał Waszyński was inspired by Eugeniusz Bodo, Polish celebrity of interwar period. The film was a reflection of his romance with Anne Chevalier ‘Reri’, the main character...
The author presents a history and the contemporaryfunctioning of the nineteenth‑centuryinvention: the stethoscope. It is both an object,or a tool (used in medicine and forensicscience) and a medium, which in the course o...
The aim of the paper is to analyze the American comic book character named Michael Morbius, the Living Vampire, who appears in Marvel comics and other audiovisual texts of culture (most notably the 1994 Spider-Man animat...
EP ID EP80322
Views 70
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How To Cite
Katarzyna Marak (2015). Beyond: Two Souls jako medialna hybryda filmu i gry wideo. Kultura Popularna, 1(43),
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Czarna perła. Kino popularne między kolonializmem a nowoczesnością
Black pearl (1934), a Polish film directed by Michał Waszyński was inspired by Eugeniusz Bodo, Polish celebrity of interwar period. The film was a reflection of his romance with Anne Chevalier ‘Reri’, the main character...
KULTURA POPULARNA 2015 nr 4(46). Cały numer
Publicystki lwowskiej „Awangardy” o „sprawach teatru, kina i radia”
Uroki auskultacji, czyli krótka historia stetoskopu
The author presents a history and the contemporaryfunctioning of the nineteenth‑centuryinvention: the stethoscope. It is both an object,or a tool (used in medicine and forensicscience) and a medium, which in the course o...
Wampir antybohaterem? (Próżne) zmagania z rolą superbohatera na przykładzie Morbiusa, żywego wampira.
The aim of the paper is to analyze the American comic book character named Michael Morbius, the Living Vampire, who appears in Marvel comics and other audiovisual texts of culture (most notably the 1994 Spider-Man animat...