Bezstronność sądu i sędziego jako element budowania zaufania do władzy sądowniczej
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2017, Vol 142, Issue 5
The subject matter of this article is impartiality. It is addressed in the context of the rule of law and a democratic state legislature’s intent for judiciary to play a certain role. Therefore, this article focuses on a theory that the legislature aims for the impartiality to be both the court’s (as an institution) and the judge’s, (as a person) feature. The author points to a similar meaning of the notions: autonomy, independence and impartiality. Many factors can infl uence a proper understanding of those terms. Furthermore, the article focuses on the importance of impartiality for building and enhancing the public’s trust in the judiciary. This analysis touches on the impartiality as an unbiased decision as well as the impartial decision-making procedure. Another aspect discussed in this essay is building the public’s confi dence in the judiciary’s impartiality. It’s one issue to respect the procedural impartiality safeguards and another one to create a social perception of the court’s impartiality.
Authors and Affiliations
Maria Grzymisławska-Cybulska
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