Bibliografia przekładów literatury polskiej w Chorwacji w latach 2007—2012
Journal Title: Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich - Year 2014, Vol 4, Issue 2
The bibliography of translations of Polish literature in Croatia from 2007 to 2012
Authors and Affiliations
Martina Podboj
O leksyce bezekwiwalentnej w tłumaczeniu. Szkic psycholingwistyczny
This paper attempts to discuss the importance and validity of the concept of equivalence as a constitutive feature in translation theory. Equivalence is defined as a relation that holds between a source language (SL) and...
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The bibliography of translations of Slovak literature in Poland in the year 2014.
Bibliografia przekładów literatury czeskiej w Polsce w 2016 roku
The bibliography of translations of Czech literature in Poland in 2016
Drugi v Drugem: književni citati v poljskem in italjanskem prevodu romana Gimnazijka Antona Ingoliča
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Goran Vojnovic’s novel Čefurji raus! in Tomasz Łukaszewicz’s Polish translation is undoubtedly an opportunity to commune with cultural otherness, and, simultaneously, it touches upon the issue of seeking one’s identity i...