Drugi v Drugem: književni citati v poljskem in italjanskem prevodu romana Gimnazijka Antona Ingoliča

Journal Title: Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich - Year 2014, Vol 5, Issue 1


The paper discusses the translation of literary citations in Polish and Italian translations of the Slovenian youth novel Gimnazijka by Anton Ingolič. With the help of literary citations the author shapes his narrative (autoreferentiality) and also informs the reader — by using concrete text examples — of the authors included in the canon of world (cf. Shakespeare, Molière) and Slovenian (cf. Kette, Murn, Gradnik) literature (referentiality). In the analyzed translations of Gimnazijka, text fragments with citations are frequently simplified: Polish translator has opted for preserving three, the Italian only two citations out of five. In both translations the text fragments with citations have been frequently simplified, even if the citation itself is preserved (the summary translation has been used more widely by Italian translator). In such a way, the analyzed translations have not only reduced the stylistic qualities and the content complexity of the source text, but also diminished its referentiality (informative-didactic dimension) by disregarding some of the literary citations.

Authors and Affiliations

Robert Grošelj


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How To Cite

Robert Grošelj (2014). Drugi v Drugem: književni citati v poljskem in italjanskem prevodu romana Gimnazijka Antona Ingoliča. Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich, 5(1), 272-303. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-296716