The article focuses on the rules for the operation of air services in the EU. It presents the process of liberalisation of the air services sector and analyses the particular requirements associated with the undertaking...
Treść artykułu dotyka ważkiego problemu instytucjonalnej bariery dla rozwoju przedsiębiorczości w Polsce jaką są dla autorów relacje zachodzące pomiędzy przedsiębiorcą a urzędem kontroli skarbowej. Poprzez nakreślenie za...
This article encompasses considerations and remarks concerning legal institution of self-monitoring of administrative decision. The study takes into account the current case law of administrative courts and the views of...
This paper deals with the activity of the public administration of the Czech Republic. It analyses the structure and mechanisms of the functioning of the institutions of public administration and self-government of the C...
EP ID EP62312
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How To Cite
Batyr Anatolevich (2010). [b][i]Legal Principle of Equality in International Law[/i][/b]. Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem, 3(1),
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Rules for the Operation of Air Services in the EU Law
The article focuses on the rules for the operation of air services in the EU. It presents the process of liberalisation of the air services sector and analyses the particular requirements associated with the undertaking...
[b][i]The Concept of Dual Citizenship in Lithuania. A Study in Equality[/i][/b]
[b]Bariery rozwoju przedsiębiorczości w Polsce w aspekcie czynności kontrolnych realizowanych przez organy kontroli skarbowej[/b]
Treść artykułu dotyka ważkiego problemu instytucjonalnej bariery dla rozwoju przedsiębiorczości w Polsce jaką są dla autorów relacje zachodzące pomiędzy przedsiębiorcą a urzędem kontroli skarbowej. Poprzez nakreślenie za...
Self-monitoring of administrative decision in the general administrative proceedings – in the light of the case law of administrative courts and jurisprudence
This article encompasses considerations and remarks concerning legal institution of self-monitoring of administrative decision. The study takes into account the current case law of administrative courts and the views of...
Organization of Public Administration of the Czech Republic and the Role of the Municipal Police in the Protection of Citizens’ Security
This paper deals with the activity of the public administration of the Czech Republic. It analyses the structure and mechanisms of the functioning of the institutions of public administration and self-government of the C...