Biografia Dietricha Bonhoeffera jako przykład bezkompromisowej postawy w czasach relatywizmu
Journal Title: Biografistyka Pedagogiczna - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 1
Dietrich Bonhoeff er was an ethician and was living during the age of nasism. His drama was even deeper because of the fact that the Germans were not his enemies but his citizens. As a priest of evangelic and augsburg church he wanted to be faithfull to Jesus Christ and his learning. At the same time as an ethician and theologist he could not get a compromise with nasism. That is why his life is full of dilemmas. One of them was the question: is it possible to annihilate the individual to save millions of human beings? Should the church be obedient to authority? for his uncompromising attitude he pay with his life. He was executed just before the Germans’ capitulation (in April 1945). He was 39. Bonhoeffer was o theologist – practicioner. He did not leave many printed writings. One of these few is his publication – “Nachfolge”. The book is one of the most significant comments on homily on the mountain. Bonhoeffer’s writing is still a live issue. All over the world there are Associations under his name, “Nachfolge” and other thesis about his life are publicated. His life signs in the Tertulians; words: ‘the martyrs’ blood is the seed of Christianity’.
Authors and Affiliations
Dawid Misiak
Biografia Dietricha Bonhoeffera jako przykład bezkompromisowej postawy w czasach relatywizmu
Dietrich Bonhoeff er was an ethician and was living during the age of nasism. His drama was even deeper because of the fact that the Germans were not his enemies but his citizens. As a priest of evangelic and augsburg ch...
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