Obcy – a jednak swoi. O Kurpiach z wyboru i ich zasługach dla kształtowania tożsamości kurpiowskiej
Journal Title: Biografistyka Pedagogiczna - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 1
Kurpie is a region known today as the bastion of tradition and culture, which has its own local dialect, traditional outfit and ceremonies. This article contains biographies of people whose activities contributed to enhancing the regional identity of Kurpie. Two priests, Skierkowski and Mieczysław Mieszko, Dr Józef Psarski and a forest ranger named Władysław Rynkiewicz were among those who contributed to saving the cultural heritage of Kurpie. Their engagement in Kurpian life had a positive influence on the region’s development and the common awareness of its inhabitants. The biographies of these extraordinary people show how much an individual can contribute to the life of the whole community.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Parzych
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