Biological state of the students at the University School of Physical Education on the background of the whole of young adults studying in biggest state universities of Krakow
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2012, Vol 22, Issue 60
[b]Introduction.[/b] The issues concerning biological development and physical fitness of a human being are among the most important research areas these years. Anthropometric research forms an integral part of population screening. The results and indicators, constructed on the basis of direct measurements being conducted, provide useful information about the body structure of examined subjects, framing at the same time the underpinnings for the evaluation of the biological condition of the measured population. General representation of changes in trends in Poland, covering decades, seems to be incoherent, and the results of studies carried out on different samples are ambiguous. Thus, our current aim is to track and analyze changes in biological condition of populations from the perspective of living and socio-economic conditions.[b]Aim of the study.[/b] The aim of the study was to assess the current biological condition of men and women, the students at the University School of Physical Education, in relation to the level of somatic traits of population of young adults studying in Krakow.[b]Material and methods.[/b] The differences in somatic and anthropometric indicators, describing the body built and the type of fat distribution in the body, were calculated. Variable deviating from normal distribution were subjected to logarithmic transformation. Somatic differences between the students at the University School of Physical Education and university students in general (JU, CUE, PU, UA, CUT, UST) were illustrated graphically by using morphological profiles with the help of standardized indicators. The significance level of group differences was evaluated by the Student’s t-test for inhomogeneous variables.[b]Results.[/b] Compared on the background of average female sample, the University School of Physical Education female students were characterized by better developed muscle structure, bigger body weight and significantly higher index of fat free mass, whereas male students contrasted with average male subjects were characterized by lower volume of the analyzed somatic traits with the lack of intergroup differences in fat free mass. It is typical that the participants from the University School of Physical Education were characterized by the significantly lower fat tissue in their bodies.[b]Conclusions.[/b] The results presented in the study, based on a random sample of a large number of participants, seem to confirm the relationship of body built with the functional characteristics of the University School of Physical Education students in the direction of their better physical development. It seems that this is caused by the impact of a selective factor and obvious differences in the area of examined lifestyle and particularly in the level of physical activity associated with the profile of education and specific program of studies.
Authors and Affiliations
Urszula Pasiut
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