Biomin is promising matrix for developing of new generation of bone tissue grafts
Journal Title: Вісник Українського товариства генетиків і селекціонерів - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue 2
Developing of new transplants generation or "living" grafts are extremely promising area of regenerative medicine. Such transplants are a combination of achievements of modern materials science and cell biology and consist of synthetic analogues of bone and MSK patient. The aim of our study was to analyze the biocompatibility of bioactive ceramics of different chemical composition and determine the optimal composites for further development of "living" grafts Materials and MethodsThe work was carried out with primary cell cultures using. MSCs and embryonic fibroblasts were obtained from GFP mice. With cells biology methods using we have analyzed the cytotoxity and biocompatibility of 6 Biomin composites. Metabolic activity of MSCs was determined by MTT test. Results We selected 3 composites are not toxic to the embryonic fibroblasts: BiominGTlC- 500 Biomin GTG-1, Biomin T-500, but analysis of the cell proliferation showed that only Biomin TG-1 and Biomin T-500 doesn’t limit cells growth. It has been shown that MSC CD73+ cultivated with Biomin has lower level of metabolism compared to control, but Biomin T-500 is more promising for future application. Conclusions The most suitable and promising material for bone graft developing is Biomin T-500 which has a size of granules 0.4-0.6 mm and consists of β-tricalcium phosphateKeywords: Biomin, bioactiveceramics, cell culture, MSCs, graft
Authors and Affiliations
I. O. Sulikovska, V. V. Balatskyi, T. A. Kochubei, T. P. Ruban, N. V. Ulianchych , O. A. Piven
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