Biomorphological features of the Salicornia perennans Willd. (Сhenopodiaceae) in the Steppe of Ukraine


The research results of the biomorphological features of Salicornia perennans Willd (Chenopodiaceae) in conditions of saline areas of the Ukraine Steppe are generalized. It has been shown that the plants are herbaceous annuals, with succulent stems nonrosetteous monocyclic monocarpic prostrate or erect shoots, monopodial shoot growth (in the early stages of development) or sometimes passing (at the end of the pregenerative developmental period and during the generative period) to the sympodial shoot growth. In the life cycle, three periods and six age-state (seed, seedling, juvenile, immature, virginil, and generative) are identified and described. The variability of the forms of growth and the rates of passing through the stages of development by individuals are noted, indicating the polyvariant nature of the ontogenesis. The adaptive morphological and biological signs of plants (non-simultaneous ripening fruit, extended period of germination of seeds and the presence of original adaptations for spreading and fixing in soil, epigeal type of germination of seeds, succulence of cotyledons and shoots, capable of formation of extended forms, precipitation of segments of shoots with accumulated salts and others) are important for survival in extreme conditions. The results of researches of the S. perennans ("green form" and "red form") coenopopulations that are dominant on the coast of the hypergalian Kuyalnik estuary are discussed. As a result of the study of "green" and "red" plants, no significant differences were found between them in the morphostructure, but some difference in the intensity of the passage by plants the juvenile and immature stages of development, the quantitative characteristics of the shoots and root system, the degree of branching of the shoots, are established. These differences are insignificant for solving taxonomic issues of of "green" and "red" forms. Further observations and comprehensive study of plants is required, in particular, at the molecular genetic level.

Authors and Affiliations

G. M. Shykhaleyeva, C. M. Tsarenko, A. A. Ennan, A. M. Kiryushkina


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  • EP ID EP525015
  • DOI 10.31861/biosystems2018.02.182
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How To Cite

G. M. Shykhaleyeva, C. M. Tsarenko, A. A. Ennan, A. M. Kiryushkina (2018). Biomorphological features of the Salicornia perennans Willd. (Сhenopodiaceae) in the Steppe of Ukraine. Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy), 10(2), 182-192.