Among those intellectuals who have been responsible for disseminating true Islamic knowledge through daʻwah in Bangladesh, Dr. Abdullah Jahangir is the most prominent among them. He strove to formulate his timely vision...
Considering the indispensability of wealth in human life, Islam instead of negating puts special emphasis on wealth. Even preservation of wealth is regarded as one of the maqāsid al Sharīʻah (objectives of Sharīʻah) in I...
This article primarily intends to elucidate the philosophy of Ibn Khaldun regarding the various issues inextricably connected with the society. Ibn Khalun, one of the most eminent Muslim scholars of the fourteenth Christ...
History of Employer-Labor dispute is part of the ancient history of human society. To resolve this conflict, laws have been formulated in almost all countries of the world and the labor class have set up various organiza...
This article has endeavored to explicate the diverse juristic stances regarding the appointment of women as judges. Considering the underlying arguments behind the variegated juristic thoughts the author of the paper ass...
EP ID EP610921
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Golam Samdani Koraishi (2019). Book Review : গ্রন্থ পর্যালোচনা |আল- মুকাদ্দিমা : হঠাৎ আলোর ঝলকানি লেগে ঝলমল করে চিত্ত. ইসলামী আইন ও বিচার, 15(57),
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ড. আব্দুল্লাহ জাহাঙ্গীর রহ. ও তাঁর ফিকহী রচনাবলি : একটি পদ্ধতিগত বিশ্লেষণ|Dr. Abdullah Jahangir Rh. and His Fiqhi Literature A Methodological Analysis
Among those intellectuals who have been responsible for disseminating true Islamic knowledge through daʻwah in Bangladesh, Dr. Abdullah Jahangir is the most prominent among them. He strove to formulate his timely vision...
ইসলামী ফাইন্যান্সে মাকাসিদ আশ শারীআহ-এর প্রয়োগ: একটি পর্যালোচনা|Applications of Maqāsid al-Sharīʻah in Islamic Finance An Analysis
Considering the indispensability of wealth in human life, Islam instead of negating puts special emphasis on wealth. Even preservation of wealth is regarded as one of the maqāsid al Sharīʻah (objectives of Sharīʻah) in I...
ইবনে খালদুনের অন্তর্দৃষ্টিপূর্ণ সমাজতাত্ত্বিক ধারণা : একটি বিশ্লেষণ |Insightful Sociological Ideas of Ibn Khaldūn : An Analysis
This article primarily intends to elucidate the philosophy of Ibn Khaldun regarding the various issues inextricably connected with the society. Ibn Khalun, one of the most eminent Muslim scholars of the fourteenth Christ...
ইসলাম ও প্রচলিত আইনে মালিক-শ্রমিক দ্বন্দ্ব নিরসন: একটি পর্যালোচনা | Settlement of Employer-Labor Dispute in Islam and Existing Law: An Analysis
History of Employer-Labor dispute is part of the ancient history of human society. To resolve this conflict, laws have been formulated in almost all countries of the world and the labor class have set up various organiza...
বিচারক পদে নারীর নিযুক্তির শরয়ী বিধান : একটি পর্যালোচনা|Shariah Injunction Regarding Appointment of Women as Judges: A Critical Analysis
This article has endeavored to explicate the diverse juristic stances regarding the appointment of women as judges. Considering the underlying arguments behind the variegated juristic thoughts the author of the paper ass...