Buzoienii și Revoluția Română din Decembrie 1989
Journal Title: Anuarul Institutului Revoluției Române din Decembrie 1989 - Year 2023, Vol 1, Issue 1
This study aims to present the way in which the revolutionary movement appeared and developed in the city of Buzau and to analyse the way in which the revolutionaries approached the relation with the former nomenclature and the force structures of the communist regime: the Securitate, Militia and Army within the power management process. The actions carried out in two main points of the city, the County Council of the Party and the People’s Council were analysed. Modest protest actions against the regime led by Nicolae Ceausescu appeared since the evening of December 21. The information regarding the suicide of General Vasile Milea and the announcement of the departure by Nicolae Ceausescu and his acolytes of the building of the Central Committee led to a progressive exit of the inhabitants of Buzau in the street.
Authors and Affiliations
Alexandru Grigoriu
Contextul și desfășurarea Revoluției Române din Decembrie 1989 la Craiova: „Știm ce-a fost la Timișoara”
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În anul 2019, prodigioasa activitate științifică a profesorului Constantin Hlihor s-a îmbogățit cu volumul „Decembrie 1989 prin ochii tinerilor ofițeri din acele momente: perspectivă de istorie orală”, o lucrare apăr...
Buzoienii și Revoluția Română din Decembrie 1989
This study aims to present the way in which the revolutionary movement appeared and developed in the city of Buzau and to analyse the way in which the revolutionaries approached the relation with the former nomencl...